Expert Coaching. Practical Resources.

Does A Church Congregation Need a Report Card?

Does A Church Congregation Need a Report Card?

Your grade six daughter has started at a new school this year. As report card time approaches you are looking forward to seeing how well she has adjusted. The email arrives with the promised report attached. The document reports on the educational degrees of the...
How Does a Policy Governance Board Evaluate its CEO?

How Does a Policy Governance Board Evaluate its CEO?

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “How does a Policy Governance® board evaluate its CEO?” Let me suggest that if your board is asking this question, it is asking the wrong one. If you hired someone to build a fence, you wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) evaluate the...
It’s Not About Board Priorities

It’s Not About Board Priorities

Your legal counsel has challenged you with the question: Has your board identified its priorities? Do you know what these priorities are?  Your board has a huge responsibility. How is a board member supposed to keep track of everything that goes on within an...
Fishtailing is for Losers

Fishtailing is for Losers

It was just prior to the energy crisis of the 1970’s when cars were cars. I was waiting at the bus stop which was located about 100 yards past the intersection where three cars waited for the light to turn green. One was a Dodge Six Pack, the second was a Shelby...
Is Policy Governance® Too Big for Us?

Is Policy Governance® Too Big for Us?

I’ve heard boards say: The Carver Policy Governance model might be great for large organizations, but it’s too complicated for ours. If you are one of those smaller charities or churches where the challenge of monitoring reports, developing reasonable interpretations...

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Policy Governance® Virtual Workshops

Introduction to Policy Governance®:

March 26, 2025

Assessing Monitoring Reports:

Stay tuned - Fall 2025

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