Expert Coaching. Practical Resources.

Leading Through Values

Leading Through Values

In the life of organizations, it really does matter whether leaders stay focused on the things that actually matter. For governing boards, what matters most is giving voice to the core values and principles that define organizational purpose, ethics and prudence. It...
At The Heart of Change

At The Heart of Change

The world becomes a little better place to live when any governing board ascends to principled, strategic leadership. Such a board undoubtedly will have fostered a culture that values learning as much as leading. The learning curve is not without discomfort, of...
Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are

Board work can be frustrating. People serve on boards to help and they hope their contributions will be meaningful. But when the board as a group is ineffective, the disappointment individual members feel is unambiguous. This is too common an occurrence and more...
Board Education or Meddling in Operations?

Board Education or Meddling in Operations?

If a board informally hears that staff is struggling to achieve a particular Ends policy, and the board doesn’t know why, how might it proceed? Assuming no violations of Executive Limitations, isn’t the implementation of Ends policies the sole prerogative of the CEO?...
2 FOCUS (or Not 2 Focus)

2 FOCUS (or Not 2 Focus)

Driving a car responsibly requires that we keep our focus in at least two arenas: one near at hand and the other more distant. Near at hand we must negotiate a complex, changing environment of pedestrians, traffic and potentially dicey road conditions. Lose our...
Can We Be Candid?

Can We Be Candid?

The topic of candor got a boost this year from the popular book Radical Candor by Kim Scott (1), a retired Google/Apple veteran and management coach who believes the right kind of candor is a critical factor in personal and organizational success. Kim has YouTubed...

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New Webinar - Bonus, it's FREE!

Boardroom Breakthroughs: Solving the Biggest Challenges Facing School Boards - March 12, 2025 at 3pm EST

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Policy Governance® Virtual Workshops

Introduction to Policy Governance®:

March 26, 2025

Assessing Monitoring Reports:

February 12, 2025

Registration is limited, so register early!

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